Can you believe it! A Marketing Agency is suggesting that you could get some free marketing? Well, we certainly believe in giving good advice and, just like any business, believe that the best type of marketing is that which is free.
So, what do we mean by turning your customers into advocates, what does this have to do with your prospects and how can you apply this right now?
In marketing, there is a technical framework called the ladder of loyalty. Without boring you too much (genuinely, it’s really helpful!) we have explained below.
The Ladder of loyalty is all about turning your customers into your very own marketing vehicles and there are a number of steps:
- The customer starts as a prospect.
That is, they are a likely future purchaser of your goods or service. - They then become a customer.
This is the first time that they purchase from you. - They next become a client.
This is when they make a repeat purchase and you develop a meaningful relationship with them. - They then become an advocate.
This is the holy grail of marketing as at this level, they will be recommending you to others and spreading ‘word of mouth’ advertising!
But what does this mean for you and right now? As businesses, we sometimes need to help people move up this ladder and with the opportunity that is available now (be it time or simply a new economic landscape).
The first step is to assess where people are. If you have prospect, current & past customer data, you should take a look at it and separate it out into groups.
The next step will be to assess how you can maximise the opportunity at each level. Particularly with a client. For example, can you have any value adds for your clients as well as delivering an impeccable service to help them move into the holy grail category?
This certainly gives food for thought and is something that we regularly discuss with our clients in consultancy sessions and strategy reviews. If we can be of any assistance in building your marketing capacity to maximise this opportunity then we would love to hear from you!
We certainly think it is however, time for a beer (or glass of wine) and some good food as we all have a pleasant Easter, stay home, protect the NHS & save lives.